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MD指令2006/42/EC应用指南-§19关于贸易展览用的机械ce认证要求 | |
Guide to application of the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC MD机械指令2006/42/EC应用指南 Edition 2.1 – July 2017 Directive 2006/42/EC is a revised version of the Machinery Directive, the first version of which was adopted in 1989. The new Machinery Directive has been applicable since 29th December 2009. 指令2006/42/EC是机械指令的修订版,该指令的第一版于1989年通过。新的机械指令自2009年12月29日起生效。 The Directive has the dual aim of harmonising the health and safety requirements applicable to machinery on the basis of a high level of protection of health and safety, while ensuring the free circulation of machinery on the EU market. The revised Machinery Directive does not introduce radical changes compared with the previous versions. It clarifies and consolidates the provisions of the Directive with the aim of improving its practical application. 该指令的双重目标是在高度保护健康和安全的基础上,协调适用于机械的健康和安全要求,同时确保机械在欧盟市场上的自由流通。修订后的机械指令与以前的版本相比没有引入根本性的变化。它澄清和巩固该指示的条文,以改善其实际应用。 (17) For trade fairs, exhibitions and such like, it should be possible to exhibit machinery which does not satisfy the requirements of this Directive. However, interested parties should be properly informed that the machinery does not conform and cannot be purchased in that condition. 对于贸易展销会、展览会等,应可展示不符合本指令要求的机械。但是,应适当地通知有关各方,机器不符合规定,不能在这种情况下购买 §19 Trade fairs and exhibitions关于贸易展览用的机械ce认证要求 Recital 17 introduces the provision that enables manufacturers to exhibit new models of machinery at trade fairs and exhibitions before the conformity of such products with the Machinery Directive has been assessed or to exhibit machinery with certain elements such as, for example, guards removed for demonstration purposes. In such cases, the exhibitor must display an appropriate sign and take adequate safety measures to protect persons from the risks presented by the exhibited machinery – see §108: comments on Article 6 (3). Recital 17介绍了一项规定,该规定允许制造商在产品符合《机械指令》的符合性评估之前,在展销会和展览会上展示新型号的机械,或展示带有某些元素的机械,例如,为了演示目的而拆除了防护罩。在这种情况下,参展商必须展示适当的标志,并采取适当的安全措施,以保护人们免受展出的机器带来的风险 即机械设备如果只是用于展会展览用,可以不用完全满足ce的要求,但涉及到的机械风险应当采取适当的防护措施,以避免展出机械给人们带来危险,同时要通知到相关方,若未满足ce认证要求是不可以直接购买的。换句话说,若销售公司希望展出机械在展会可以直接销售,还是需要先获得ce认证才可以。 欧盟公告号机构UDEM NB2696在中国市场的CE认证授权代理,可直接受理各类机械设备的ce认证项目,无需认证服务公司中转,大大节省认证时间,以及审核整改沟通成本。 相关文章: 机械ce认证 MD机械指令 机械CE |
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