Solar KeyMark认证
| 更新时间 2025-01-11 20:00:00 价格 请来电询价 测试周期 5-7天 寄样地址 深圳宝安 价格费用 电话详谈 联系电话 17324413130 联系手机 17324413130 联系人 罗卓文 立即询价 |
Test or certification item 测试或认证名称: Solar KeyMark认证
Test or certification info 测试和认证相关内容:
随着对能源利用的关注,欧洲政府和消费者对Solar Keymark认证也愈加青睐,获得该认证已经成为进驻欧洲市场的首要条件。Solar Keymark是欧盟针对太阳能热产品的质量认证标志,用于向消费者和使用者证明太阳能热产品已符合相关的欧洲标准。Solar Keymark不仅标志着产品的优质,符合该标志的产品亦可获得政府的节约能源补助。
The Solar Keymark is a voluntary third-party certification mark for solar thermal products, demonstrating to end-users that a product conforms to the relevant European standards and fulfils additional requirements. The Solar Keymark aims at reducing trade barriers and promote the use of high quality solar thermal products in the European market and beyond. It is used in Europe and increasingly recognised worldwide.
The Solar Keymark is a CEN/CENELEC European mark scheme, dedicated to:
Solar thermal collectors,
Solar thermal systems, storages and controllers.
Norm refer 涉及法规:
Lead time 周期: 常规服务 regular service 45 工作日 working days ( URGENT service, to be confirm, 加急服务待定 )
Sample size 送样规格: on request 待定
Others 其他信息:
Photo for reference 涉及图片:
Sample report 样本报告:
- 电 话:17324413130
- 检测工程师:罗卓文
- 手 机:17324413130