欧盟标准 EN 15613 室内运动护具(护膝,护肘)安全要求与测试方法
| 更新时间 2025-01-07 20:00:00 价格 请来电询价 测试周期 5-7天 寄样地址 深圳宝安 价格费用 电话详谈 联系电话 17324413130 联系手机 17324413130 联系人 罗卓文 立即询价 |
Test or certification item 测试或认证名称: Knee and elbow protectors for indoor sports
Test or certification info 测试和认证相关内容:
5.1 General (6.3 Ergonomics & 6.4 Edges, seams and buckles) |
5.2 Innocuousness (Material test refer to below recommended tests, not included in this price ) |
5.3 Sizing |
5.4 Adjusting/retraint systems (6.1 General, 6.5 Restraint) |
5.5 Impact performance ( 6.6 Impact performance) |
7 Marking |
8 Information supplied by the manufacturer |
material test 物料测试
The chromium VI content of leather, ISO 13688, Method: ISO 17075
Nickel Release (for metal), ISO 13688, Method: EN 1811
AZO DYE (for textile and leather), ISO 13688; Method: ISO 14362
PH Value (for textile and leather), ISO 13688; Method: ISO 3071(textile) and ISO 4045 (leather) Colorfastness to perspiration (for textile and leather), Method: ISO-105-E04
Norm refer 涉及法规: PPE/CE
Refer products 涉及产品: 运动护具, 护膝, 护肘
Lead time 周期: 常规服务 regular service 7-9 工作日 working days ( URGENT service, to be confirm, 加急服务待定 )
Sample size 送样规格:
每个尺寸2对护具, 若只有一个尺寸送4对,包括说明书(如适用).
Others 其他信息:
Class A:less than or equal to 50kg 使用者重量≤50kg (须确认是否为儿童使用,提供具体重量范围)
Class B:above 50kg 使用者重量>50kg
Knee protector: 护膝
Sample report 样本报告:
- 电 话:17324413130
- 检测工程师:罗卓文
- 手 机:17324413130