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2025-01-26 20:00:00


测试名称 Test item: French DGCCRF 2004-64 and French Décret nº 92-631 法国食品级安全法规

High RISK Materials for BPA(1442-2012)
PC, Expoxy, Polysulfone, PP,PE, TPE, PBT, PVC, ABS, SAN, Vanishing/Lacquer, Printed/inked paper


DGCCRF 法国食品等级
DGCCRF -  Plastic ( PP, PE,PS ….) 塑料件
Overall  migration in 3% acetic acid 3%醋酸浸取法
Overall  migration in 10% ethanol 10%酒精浸取法   
Overall  migration in 50% ethanol 50%酒精浸取法 
Overall  migration in rectified olive oil 橄榄油浸取法
Soluble heavy  metal (Ba, Co, Cu, Fe, Li, Mn, Zn) 重金属溶出
total  BPA content (Only for PP, PE)双酚A含量
Specific migration of phthalate (DBP, BBP, DEHP, DINP, DIDP, DAP) In substitute of rectified  olive oil (95% ethanol and iso-octane)
邻苯特殊迁移之橄榄油替代物(95%乙醇-异辛烷)浸取法 (默认用酸替代,客户要求可选择其它模拟液)only for soft plastic
General requirement for soft plastic 软塑料通用要求(判断标准:如果用锐器刮划可以看到白色的印记而且折叠可以看到折痕,算是硬塑料)
DGCCRF - PET,PCT/PCTG/PETG 聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯,聚对苯二甲酸环己烷对二甲醇酯/乙二醇改性PCT/聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯-1,4-环己烷二甲醇酯
Overall  migration in 10% ethanol 10%酒精浸取法   
Overall  migration in 3% acetic acid 3%醋酸浸取法
Overall  migration in 20% ethanol 20%酒精浸取法   
Overall  migration in 50% ethanol 50%酒精浸取法 
Overall  migration in rectified olive oil (Default for homogeneous material) 橄榄油浸取法
Soluble heavy  metal (Ba, Co, Cu, Fe, Li, Mn, Zn) 重金属溶出
Specific  Migration of Antimony in 3% acetic acid (Default, upon client's request) 乙酸中锑特殊迁移
Specific Migration of Terephthalic Acid in 3% acetic acid  (Default, upon client's request)
乙酸中对苯二甲酸特殊迁移 (模拟液选择根据客户要求,默认用酸)
Specific Migration of Acetaldehyde in 3% acetic acid(Default,  upon client's request)
乙酸中乙醛特殊迁移 (模拟液选择根据客户要求,默认用酸)
DGCCRF -  Wood 木制品
Sensory test  (EN1230-2) 感官测试
Extractable  heavy metal (Pb, Cd, Hg) (Only for wood) 重金属萃取
Extractable  heavy metal (Pb, Cd, Hg, CrVI) (Only for Bamboo)重金属萃取
Polychlorinated  biphenyls (PCBs)(PCB18,PCB28,PCB52,PCB101,PCB153,PCB138,PCB180)  (Only for wood) 多氯联苯
Pentachlorophenol(PCP) 五氯苯酚
Specific  migration of phthalate (DBP, BBP, DEHP, DINP, DIDP, DAP) (Default using 95%  ethanol & iso-octane) (No need if no glue or  adhesive)
Specific  migration of formaldehyde (Default using 3% acetic acid)  (No need if no glue or adhesive)
DGCCRF - Glass  & Crystal (DGCCRF 2004-64)玻璃, 水晶
Leachable Lead  and Cadmium  - 每款每花纹每尺寸4pcs
Leachable  Aluminium, Arsenic, Cobalt (Optional)
Leachable Lead  and Cadmium (lip and rim region)  - 每款每花纹每尺寸4pcs
DGCCRF -  Ceramic & Vitro Ceramic (DGCCRF  2004-64)陶瓷
Leachable Lead  and Cadmium  - 每款每花纹每尺寸4pcs
Leachable  Aluminium, Arsenic, Cobalt (Optional)
Leachable Lead  and Cadmium (lip and rim region)  - 每款每花纹每尺寸4pcs
DGCCRF -  Enamel (DGCCRF 2004-64)搪瓷
Leachable  Lead, Cadmium and Chromium (VI)   - 每款每花纹每尺寸4pcs
Leachable  Aluminium, Arsenic, Cobalt (Optional)
Leachable  Lead, Cadmium and Chromium (VI) (Lip and rim region )  - 每款每花纹每尺寸4pcs
DGCCRF -  Aluminum or Aluminum alloy 铝或铝合金
DGCCRF -  Aluminum or Aluminum alloy with coating 涂层铝,铝合金
DGCCRF - 不锈钢不带涂层
Stainless steel (without any coating) according  to French Arrêté du 13 Janvier 1976
Metal  composition test(Cr,Ta, Nb, Zr, Mo, Ti, Al, Cu)
DGCCRF - Epoxy  coating 环氧树脂涂层
Overall  migration in 10% ethanol 10%酒精浸取法   
Overall  migration in 3% acetic acid 3%醋酸浸取法
Overall  migration in 20% ethanol 20%酒精浸取法   
Overall  migration in 50% ethanol 50%酒精浸取法 
Overall  migration in rectified olive oil (Default for homogeneous material) 橄榄油浸取法
Total BPA  content 双酚A含量
Soluble heavy  metal (Ba, Co, Cu, Fe, Li, Mn, Zn) 重金属溶出
Specific migration of BADGE, BADGE derivatives, BFDGE, NOGE  (Default using 3% acetic acid, upon client's requirement)默认酸溶液
BADGE -- 双酚A - 二环氧甘油醚 特殊迁移
BFDGE -- 双酚F - 二环氧甘油醚 特殊迁移
NOGE --  酚醛清漆甘油醚 特殊迁移
DGCCRF -  Stainless Steel (DGCCRF - French Arrêté du  13 Janvier 1976) 不锈钢带金属涂层
Metal  composition test (Cr,Ta, Nb, Zr,Mo, Ti, Al, Cu) (substrate)
Content of  undesirable elements( Pb, Cd, As)
Migration of  Ni, Cr, Zn in water
Migration of  Ni, Cr, Zn in 0.5% citric acid
DGCCRF - Cast  Iron 生铁
Content of  undesirable elements (Pb)
With Metallic  Coating Or Electroplate
Content of  undesirable elements (Pb, Cd, As)
Migration of  Ni, Cr in water
Migration of  Ni, Cr in 0.5% citric acid
DGCCRF -  carbon steel without coating 不带涂层碳钢
DGCCRF -  Melamine 密胺
DGCCRF -  Silicone 硅胶
Overall  migration in 10% ethanol
Overall  migration in 3 % acetic acid
Overall migration in 50 % ethanol ( 默认用50%,客户要求可用10%ethanol 或其它 ) 
Overall migration in olive oil or substitute of rectified olive  oil
Peroxide Value
Organotin  measured as tin
DGCCRF - Other  metal如锌,锡合金等 ( 除不锈钢,锡,碳钢,铸铁,铝)
DGCCRF -  Rubber 橡胶, TPR, TPE
Overall  migration in 10% ethanol 10%酒精浸取法   
Overall  migration in 3% acetic acid 3%醋酸浸取法
Overall  migration in 20% ethanol 20%酒精浸取法 
Overall  migration in 50% ethanol 50%酒精浸取法 
Overall migration in substitute of rectified olive oil  (95%ethanol & iso-octane) (Default)   95%ethanol & iso-octane代替橄榄油浸取法
specific migration of nitrosamine and nitrosatable in 3% acetic  acid  (for non teats)  3%醋酸亚硝胺和亚硝基物质特殊迁移(非奶嘴)
Nitrosamine and nitrosatable substances (for teats)  亚硝胺和亚硝基物质含量(奶嘴)
Specific migration of aromatic amine in  3% acetic acid (Default, upon client's  requirement) 3%醋酸芳香胺特殊迁移
Specific migration of Extractable formaldehyde (Default using 3%  acetic acid) 
Peroxide Value 过氧化物值
VOM 有机挥发物
total  BPA content (only  For PVC material with BPA free label or for under 3 years old infant  product)   (Optional)

送样规格 Sample size:
8pcs成品 ( 非金属材料面积不能少于3张A4大小,硅胶不能少于80g )

测试周期 Lead time:Regular Service 8 working days.

样本报告 Sample report:
Responsive image  Responsive image  Responsive image

Sample for reference 参考图片:
Responsive image



  • 电  话:17324413130
  • 检测工程师:罗卓文
  • 手  机:17324413130