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测试名称 Test item: French DGCCRF 2004-64 and French Décret nº 92-631 法国食品级安全法规
High RISK Materials for BPA(1442-2012)
PC, Expoxy, Polysulfone, PP,PE, TPE, PBT, PVC, ABS,
SAN, Vanishing/Lacquer, Printed/inked paper
DGCCRF 法国食品等级 |
DGCCRF - Plastic ( PP, PE,PS ….) 塑料件 |
Overall migration in 3% acetic acid 3%醋酸浸取法 |
Overall migration in 10% ethanol 10%酒精浸取法 |
Overall migration in 50% ethanol 50%酒精浸取法 |
Overall migration in rectified olive oil 橄榄油浸取法 |
Soluble heavy metal (Ba, Co, Cu, Fe, Li, Mn, Zn) 重金属溶出 |
total BPA content (Only for PP, PE)双酚A含量 |
Specific migration of phthalate (DBP, BBP, DEHP, DINP, DIDP, DAP) In substitute of rectified
olive oil (95% ethanol and iso-octane) 邻苯特殊迁移之橄榄油替代物(95%乙醇-异辛烷)浸取法 (默认用酸替代,客户要求可选择其它模拟液)only for soft plastic General requirement for soft plastic 软塑料通用要求(判断标准:如果用锐器刮划可以看到白色的印记而且折叠可以看到折痕,算是硬塑料) |
DGCCRF - PET,PCT/PCTG/PETG 聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯,聚对苯二甲酸环己烷对二甲醇酯/乙二醇改性PCT/聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯-1,4-环己烷二甲醇酯 |
Overall migration in 10% ethanol 10%酒精浸取法 |
Overall migration in 3% acetic acid 3%醋酸浸取法 |
Overall migration in 20% ethanol 20%酒精浸取法 |
Overall migration in 50% ethanol 50%酒精浸取法 |
Overall migration in rectified olive oil (Default for homogeneous material) 橄榄油浸取法 |
Soluble heavy metal (Ba, Co, Cu, Fe, Li, Mn, Zn) 重金属溶出 |
Specific Migration of Antimony in 3% acetic acid (Default, upon client's request) 乙酸中锑特殊迁移 |
Specific Migration of Terephthalic Acid in 3% acetic acid
(Default, upon client's request) 乙酸中对苯二甲酸特殊迁移 (模拟液选择根据客户要求,默认用酸) |
Specific Migration of Acetaldehyde in 3% acetic acid(Default,
upon client's request) 乙酸中乙醛特殊迁移 (模拟液选择根据客户要求,默认用酸) |
DGCCRF - Wood 木制品 |
Sensory test (EN1230-2) 感官测试 |
Extractable heavy metal (Pb, Cd, Hg) (Only for wood) 重金属萃取 |
Extractable heavy metal (Pb, Cd, Hg, CrVI) (Only for Bamboo)重金属萃取 |
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)(PCB18,PCB28,PCB52,PCB101,PCB153,PCB138,PCB180) (Only for wood) 多氯联苯 |
Pentachlorophenol(PCP) 五氯苯酚 |
Specific migration of phthalate (DBP, BBP, DEHP, DINP, DIDP, DAP) (Default using 95% ethanol & iso-octane) (No need if no glue or adhesive) |
Specific migration of formaldehyde (Default using 3% acetic acid) (No need if no glue or adhesive) |
DGCCRF - Glass & Crystal (DGCCRF 2004-64)玻璃, 水晶 |
Leachable Lead and Cadmium - 每款每花纹每尺寸4pcs |
Leachable Aluminium, Arsenic, Cobalt (Optional) |
Leachable Lead and Cadmium (lip and rim region) - 每款每花纹每尺寸4pcs |
DGCCRF - Ceramic & Vitro Ceramic (DGCCRF 2004-64)陶瓷 |
Leachable Lead and Cadmium - 每款每花纹每尺寸4pcs |
Leachable Aluminium, Arsenic, Cobalt (Optional) |
Leachable Lead and Cadmium (lip and rim region) - 每款每花纹每尺寸4pcs |
DGCCRF - Enamel (DGCCRF 2004-64)搪瓷 |
Leachable Lead, Cadmium and Chromium (VI) - 每款每花纹每尺寸4pcs |
Leachable Aluminium, Arsenic, Cobalt (Optional) |
Leachable Lead, Cadmium and Chromium (VI) (Lip and rim region ) - 每款每花纹每尺寸4pcs |
DGCCRF - Aluminum or Aluminum alloy 铝或铝合金 |
DGCCRF - Aluminum or Aluminum alloy with coating 涂层铝,铝合金 |
DGCCRF - 不锈钢不带涂层 Stainless steel (without any coating) according to French Arrêté du 13 Janvier 1976 |
Metal composition test(Cr,Ta, Nb, Zr, Mo, Ti, Al, Cu) |
DGCCRF - Epoxy coating 环氧树脂涂层 |
Overall migration in 10% ethanol 10%酒精浸取法 |
Overall migration in 3% acetic acid 3%醋酸浸取法 |
Overall migration in 20% ethanol 20%酒精浸取法 |
Overall migration in 50% ethanol 50%酒精浸取法 |
Overall migration in rectified olive oil (Default for homogeneous material) 橄榄油浸取法 |
Total BPA content 双酚A含量 |
Soluble heavy metal (Ba, Co, Cu, Fe, Li, Mn, Zn) 重金属溶出 |
Specific migration of BADGE, BADGE derivatives, BFDGE, NOGE
(Default using 3% acetic acid, upon client's requirement)默认酸溶液 BADGE -- 双酚A - 二环氧甘油醚 特殊迁移 BFDGE -- 双酚F - 二环氧甘油醚 特殊迁移 NOGE -- 酚醛清漆甘油醚 特殊迁移 |
DGCCRF - Stainless Steel (DGCCRF - French Arrêté du 13 Janvier 1976) 不锈钢带金属涂层 |
Metal composition test (Cr,Ta, Nb, Zr,Mo, Ti, Al, Cu) (substrate) |
Content of undesirable elements( Pb, Cd, As) |
Migration of Ni, Cr, Zn in water |
Migration of Ni, Cr, Zn in 0.5% citric acid |
DGCCRF - Cast Iron 生铁 |
Content of undesirable elements (Pb) |
With Metallic Coating Or Electroplate |
Content of undesirable elements (Pb, Cd, As) |
Migration of Ni, Cr in water |
Migration of Ni, Cr in 0.5% citric acid |
DGCCRF - carbon steel without coating 不带涂层碳钢 |
DGCCRF - Melamine 密胺 |
DGCCRF - Silicone 硅胶 |
Overall migration in 10% ethanol |
Overall migration in 3 % acetic acid |
Overall migration in 50 % ethanol ( 默认用50%,客户要求可用10%ethanol 或其它 ) |
Overall migration in olive oil or substitute of rectified olive oil |
Peroxide Value |
Organotin measured as tin |
DGCCRF - Other metal如锌,锡合金等 ( 除不锈钢,锡,碳钢,铸铁,铝) |
DGCCRF - Rubber 橡胶, TPR, TPE |
Overall migration in 10% ethanol 10%酒精浸取法 |
Overall migration in 3% acetic acid 3%醋酸浸取法 |
Overall migration in 20% ethanol 20%酒精浸取法 |
Overall migration in 50% ethanol 50%酒精浸取法 |
Overall migration in substitute of rectified olive oil (95%ethanol & iso-octane) (Default) 95%ethanol & iso-octane代替橄榄油浸取法 |
specific migration of nitrosamine and nitrosatable in 3% acetic acid (for non teats) 3%醋酸亚硝胺和亚硝基物质特殊迁移(非奶嘴) |
Nitrosamine and nitrosatable substances (for teats) 亚硝胺和亚硝基物质含量(奶嘴) |
Specific migration of aromatic amine in 3% acetic acid (Default, upon client's requirement) 3%醋酸芳香胺特殊迁移 |
Specific migration of Extractable formaldehyde (Default using 3% acetic acid) |
Peroxide Value 过氧化物值 |
VOM 有机挥发物 |
total BPA content (only
For PVC material with BPA free label or for under 3 years old infant
product) (Optional) |
送样规格 Sample size: 8pcs成品 ( 非金属材料面积不能少于3张A4大小,硅胶不能少于80g )
测试周期 Lead time:Regular Service 8 working days.
样本报告 Sample report:
Sample for reference 参考图片:
- 电 话:17324413130
- 检测工程师:罗卓文
- 手 机:17324413130