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Welcome to the July newsletter of the MHRA E-cigarette Team. This month we will cover Supply of Products Prior to Publication, Responsible Person Requirements, Payment of MHRA invoices, Troubleshooting Data Conflict Issues.
Supply of New Productsfrom 1 January 2021
To supply new E-cigaretteproducts in Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales) and Northern Irelandyou must notify your products via the appropriate notification system for eachregion. To supply a product to Great Britain you are required to notify usingthe MHRA submission portal. To supply a product to Northern Ireland you willcontinue to use EU-CEG.
Once you havesuccessfully submitted your notifications, they will be reviewed for complianceby the MHRA. If the notification meets the required standards it will be published here. Once your productnotification has been published you will be able to legally supply the goods inthe region for which they have been notified.
Please note that it isan offence to supply any notifiable product until the notification has beencompleted and published on the MHRA website. Unnotified products that have notbeen included on the published lists may be subject to seizure by enforcementauthorities.
If you are currentlysupplying a product that has not been notified and published, you shouldcomplete a notification immediately, following the guidance below. All affectedproducts must be withdrawn from supply until publication has been achieved.
What you (as asubmitter) need to do to notify products in Great Britain
您需要在 MHR提交门户网站注册一个账户。如果您还没有注册账户,我们建议您尽快去注册。
You need to havesigned up for an account with the MHRA submission portal. If you have not already, we would recommend doing this as soon aspossible.
Further guidance onthe new process can be found here. You can also watchour recent webinar video for more information.
More detailed information on this process canbe found on our webpage.
Guidance on the content of notifications
The guidance forNorthern Ireland is unchanged.
Appointing anauthorised or responsible person in Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales)
Great Britain no longerrecognises authorised representatives and responsible persons based in the EU.
If the company makinga notification does not have a base in the UK, you will need to appoint anauthorised representative or responsible person based in the UK for productsbeing placed on the GB market. As a submitter you are required to provide thisinformation to the MHRA via the GB Submission Portal. This information shouldbe added to the “Affiliate Company” field in Submitter Information for eachproduct notification. Failure to provide this information may constitute anoffence under the Regulations and will significantly delay the publication ofaffected product notifications.
If you are notifying aproduct for supply to Northern Ireland and have already provided details of anEU or NI based responsible person via EUCEG then no further action is requiredfor NI notifications.
Check your legal responsibilities
You are responsiblefor:
(1)ensuring your productcomplies with the relevant UK rules
(2)drawing updocumentation
(3)submitting anotification for the product
(4)You can delegate someof the duties to an authorised representative or an importer if you are basedoutside the UK
UK distributors and supplier
Where a product is notmanufactured in the UK, you’ll need to confirm whether you or your supplierwill act as an ‘importer’.
You are an importer ifyou’re the first one bringing goods from outside the UK and placing them on themarket in Great Britain and/or Northern Ireland. If someone has already placeda product on the UK market before you sell it in Great Britain and NorthernIreland - or if the manufacturer has appointed another UK-based person to carryout importer duties - you will remain a distributor and will not have anyadditional responsibilities.
As an importer, you’llneed to make sure that:
(1) goods are labelledwith your company’s details, including your company’s name and a contactaddress
(2) the correctconformity assessment procedures have been carried out and that goods have thecorrect conformity markings
(3) the manufacturer hasdrawn up the correct technical documentation and you or they have complied withthe product labelling requirements
(4)goods conform with therelevant essential requirements
(5)goods have been appropriatelynotified to MHRA and the notifications published
For detailedrequirements regarding the importation and supply of manufactured productsplease review the current UK Government guidance for GreatBritain and NorthernIreland.
Payment of MHRA invoices
MHRA现在提供电子烟通告费用的在线服务。可以使用借记卡或信用卡支付,发票上的发票号码位于地址下方。我们接受所有主要的借记卡和信用卡,包括Visa, Mastercard, Maestro和美国运通卡。收到发票后应立即付款。
The MHRA now provides online service for the payment ofE-cigarette notifications. Invoices can be paid using a debit or credit cardand your invoice number which is located below your address on the invoice. Weaccept all major debit and credit cards including Visa, Mastercard, Maestro andAmerican Express. Payment of invoices is due immediately upon receipt.
Payments can be made in British Pounds Sterling only.
If you have notreceived an invoice, or have any queries please contact the MHRA AccountsReceivable team at sales.invoices@mhra.gov.uk .
Please note that assessments and publication of your notificationscan not proceed until invoices are paid in full.
Troubleshooting Data Conflict issues
We have been in touchwith submitters where we have identified conflicts and are working with them toresolve conflicts. It is of upmost importance that we receive a response assoon as possible in these instances.
Below are some troubleshootingsteps to follow should you encounter any of the listed issues:
1. Applicants that already have a submitter ID in EU system
Whilst making asubmission on MHRA submission portal if you find the portal is providing anoption to generate new submitter ID instead of pre-populating your EU submitter IDthen instead of progressing with the submission please report this to MHRA viathe ‘Help and Support’ tile on MHRA submission portal.
2. Applicants do not agree with the company name on MHRA submissionportal
Once you havevalidated the submitter ID assigned by MHRA submission portal and it is in linewith your EU submitter ID then you will have an option to raise a request toupdate your company display name. A request can be raised via the ‘Help andSupport’ tile.
NOTE – The companyname displayed on the MHRA submission portal is also used in the extractpublished on our MHRA gov website.
3. Change of ownership
如果您的公司所有权发生了变化,而且您需要一个新的5位数的MHRA公司编号用于MHRA提交门户,请通过Reference Data Team提出请求。
If your companyownership has changed and you require a new 5-digit MHRA company number for theMHRA Submissions Portal please raise a request via the Reference Data Team.
Please be sure toinclude as much of the information below as possible in your email:
(1)Fulllegal entity/company name (no abbreviations, trading styles or short namesplease)
(3)BillTo/Invoicing address (If different from the Headquarters address.)
(4)Invoicingemail address
如需一般咨询,请联系MHRA的客户服务团队 info@mhra.gov.uk.
Get in touch
For general enquiriesplease contact our Customer Services team at info@mhra.gov.uk.
If you have anyquestions about the notification status of your products, please send themdirectly to our TPDnotifications@mhra.gov.uk.
To update companycontact details email Reference.Data@mhra.gov.uk.
For queries regardinginvoices and payments email our Finance team at sales.invoices@mhra.gov.uk.
For any safetyconcerns contact our Vigilance team at TPDsafety@mhra.gov.uk.
If you encounter anytechnical difficulties while using the EU-CEG portal, please contact the EUcommission IT helpdesk at SANTE-EUCEG-ITSUPPORT@ec.europa.eu (including in yourmessage a ‘print screen’ of the window where the problem appears).
Thank you for yourtime in reading and sharing this newsletter with your colleagues.
Pay MHRA invoices by Credit or Debit Card:https://www.gov.uk/payments/mhra/online-payments
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