澳洲SAA认证中澳标AS/NZS 4859.1-2018建筑物隔热材料测试
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隔热材料一般分为多孔材料,热反射材料和真空材料。隔热材料常被用在建筑体中,防止外部温度过高,室外温度传到室内的过程,可以起到很好的隔热效果。澳洲建筑市场对隔热材料的性能有明确且严格的要求,AS/NZS 4859.1是常用的标准之一。南京睿督为您提供NATA资质AS/NZS 4859.1测试及认证。
AS/NZS 4859.1
AS/NZS 4859.1:2018-Thermal insulation materials for buildings - Part 1: General criteria and technical provisions
AS/NZS 4859.1:2018-建筑物用隔热材料,第1部分:一般标准和技术规定
取代AS/NZS 4859.1:2002《建筑物隔热材料,第1部分:一般标准和技术规定》
变更内容a) 隔热系统设计成为单独的部分,即AS/NZS 4859.2
b) 删除了对AS 1366系列标准的应用。
c) 增加了范围更广的隔热材料,尤其是硬质泡沫制品。
a)Cellulose fibre insulation
b)Insulation containing wool
c)Low density polyester fibre
d)Low density mineral wool
e)Rigid cellular foam insulation
AS/NZS 4859.1
2.Thermal resistance – R-value
3.Infra-red emittance
4.Corrosiveness 腐蚀性测试
AS 1134 Wool—Determination of wool base and vegetable matter base of core samples of raw wool
AS 1595 Cold-rolled unalloyed,
steel sheet and strip
AS 2001 Methods of test for
AS 2001.6.1 Method 6.1:
Miscellaneous tests-
Determination of the
resistance of textiles to
certain insect pests
AS 2001.7 Method 7:Quantitative analysis of fibre mixtures
AS 4200 Pliable building
membranes and underlays
AS 4200.2 Part 2: Installation
AS/NZS 4200 Pliable building
membranes and underlays
AS/NZS 4200.1 Part 1: Materials
AS/NZS 4201 Pliable building
membranes and underlays—
Methods of test
AS/NZS 4201.1 Method 1:
Resistance to dry delamination
ISO 8301 Thermal insulation—
Determination of steady-state
thermal resistance and related
properties; heat flow meter
ISO 8302 Thermal insulation—
Determination of steady-state
thermal resistance and related
properties; guarded hot plate
ISO 8990 Thermal insulation—
Determination of steady-state
thermal transmission properties
—calibrated and guarded hot box
ASTM C167 Test methods for
thickness and density of blanket
or batt thermal insulations
ASTM C177 Test method for
steady-state heat flux
measurements and thermal
transmission properties by
means of the guarded-hot-
plate apparatus
ASTM C335 Standard test
method for steady-state heat
transfer properties of
horizontal pipe insulation
ASTM C518 Test method for
steady-state heat flux
measurements and thermal
transmission properties by
means of the heat flow
meter apparatus
ASTM C687 Practice for the
determination of thermal
resistance of loose fill
building insulations
ASTM C739 Standard
Specification for cellulosic
fibre (wood-base) loose-fill
thermal insulation
ASTM C1363 Standard test
method for the thermal
performance of building
assemblies by means of hot
box apparatus
ASTM C1667 Standard test
method for using heat flow
meter apparatus to measure
center-of-panel thermal
transmission properties of
vacuum insulated panels
EN 12667 Thermal performance
of building materials and
products—Determination of
thermal resistance by means
of guarded hot plate and heat
flow meter methods—Products
of high and medium thermal
EN 12939 Thermal performance
of building materials and
products—Determination of
thermal resistance by means of
guarded hot plate and heat flow
meter methods—Thick products
of high and medium thermal
EN 13164:2012+A1:2015
Thermal insulation products
for buildings-Factory made
extruded polystyrene foam
(XPS) products-Specification
EN 13165:2012+A1:2016
Thermal insulation products
for buildings-Factory made
rigid polyurethane foam
(PU) products-Specification
EN 13166:2012+A1:2016
Thermal insulation products for
buildings-Factory made phenolic
foam (PF) products-Specification
深圳中拓可提供澳洲NATA资质测试及认证证书。常用的澳洲标准AS 1530.1,AS 1530.2,AS 1530.3,AS 1530.4,AS 3837,ISO 9705,AS 3013等。
- 电 话:17324413130
- 检测工程师:罗卓文
- 手 机:17324413130