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标准更新 | 2022年4月FCC/ISED/RED标准更新和发布资讯

2025-02-02 20:00:00


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1.) 2022年4月,FCC 更新和

发布的KDB 如下:

FCC Updates:

The FCC has released the following updated/new KDB entries as published on the FCC website:

2.) 2022年4月,ISED发布如下标准:

ISED Update:

The following updated standards were published on ISED Canada's website on 2022-04-01:

RSS-119 — Land Mobile and Fixed Equipment Operating in the Frequency Range 27.41-960 MHz (Issue12)

Amendment (April 1, 2022): The RSS-125 reference in section 1.1 was updated to reflect the new frequency band and the new document title.

The references to TIA-603 were removed because the TIA-603 requirements are now included in ANSI C63.26.

RSS-HAC — Hearing Aid Compatibility and Volume Control (Issue 2)

The main changes are listed below:

  • Updated the reference to ANSI C63.19-2019

  • Updated requirements to reflect ANSI C63.19-2019

  • Removed reference to TIA-5050 because compliance with TIA 5050 has been added to ANSI C63.19-2019

  • Made editorial changes and clarifications, as appropriate

  • 3.) ISED寻求关于RSS-248 Issue 2, 

    DBS-06 Issue 1和

    CPC-4-1-01 Issue 2的意见

    ISED Update:

    ISED sought comments on RSS-248 Issue 2, DBS-06 Issue 1 and CPC-4-1-01 Issue 2.

    Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) is now seeking comments on the technical requirements for standard-power RLAN devices at a higher power for both indoor and outdoor use. Those RLAN devices will need to be under the control of a database (Automated Frequency Coordination system) in order to ensure the protection of incumbent services within the frequency band. Consequently, ISED has started consultation process on the following three (3) documents:

    RSS-248, issue 2, “Radio Local Area Network (RLAN) Devices in the 5925-7125 MHz band” which sets out the certification requirements for license-exempt standard-power RLAN devices operating in the frequency band 5 925-6 875 MHz.

    DBS-06, issue 1, “Automated Frequency Coordination (AFC) System Specifications for the 6 GHz (5925-6875 MHz) Frequency Band” which sets out the technical requirements for the designation of an Automated Frequency Coordination System Administrator (AFCSA) and for the operation of an AFC system capable of identifying available frequencies and associated maximum power levels for use by standard-power RLAN devices operating in the 6 GHz (5925-6875 MHz) frequency band.

    CPC-4-1-01, issue 2, “Application Procedures for Dynamic Spectrum Access System Administrators (DSASAs)” which outlines procedures to be followed by applicants who wish to be considered for designation by ISED to become white space database administrators (WSDBAs) or automated frequency coordination system administrators (AFCSAs), collectively referred to herein as dynamic spectrum access system administrators (DSASAs).

    Comments are due no later than July 15, 2022.

    4.) 欧盟更新:

    EU Updates:

    Several new standards have been published by ETSI in April 2022.

    ETSI EN 303 213-5-2 V1.1.1 (2022-04)

    ETSI EN 300 338-7 V1.1.1 (2022-04) Technical characteristics and methods of measurement for equipment for generation, transmission, and reception of Digital Selective Calling (DSC) in the maritime MF, MF/HF, and/or VHF mobile service; Part 7: Implementation of Bridge Alert Management (BAM) in DSC radio equipment

    And the following standards are on approval, and waiting to be published:

    ETSI EN 303 687 V1.0.0 (2022-04) 6 GHz WAS/RLAN Harmonised Standard for access to radio spectrum

    ETSI EN 303 447 V1.3.1 (2022-04) Short Range Devices (SRD); Harmonised Standard for access to radio spectrum; Inductive loop systems for robotic mowers operating within the frequency range 100 Hz to 148,5 kHz


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