国标标准:GB/T 14450《胎圈用钢丝》测试要求
标准编号 | 标准名称 | 实施日期 | 状态 |
GB/T 14450-2016 | 胎圈用钢丝 | 2017/7/1 | 现行 |
标准号 Standard No. | 中文标准名称 Standard Title in Chinese | 英文标准名称 Standard Title in English | 状态 State | 备注 Remark |
GB/T 14450-2008 | 胎圈用钢丝 | Bead wire | 废止 | 2008-11-01实施,代替GB/T 14450-2004 |
GB/T 14450-2004 | 胎圈用钢丝 | Bead wire | 废止 | 2004-12-01实施,代替GB 14450-1993 |
This standard specifies the terms and definitions, classification and code, dimensions, shape, mass and tolerance, ordering information, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, packaging, marking and quality certificate of bead wire. This standard is applicable to tempered round wire used for strengthening the bead of all kinds of tyres (hereinafter referred to as “steel wire”).