IEC 62321-1《电工产品中某些物质的测定 - 第 1 部分:简介和概述》
标准编号 Standard/Code | 标准名称 Standard Title |
IEC 62321-1 | Determination of certain substances in electrotechnical products - Part 1: Introduction and overview |
IEC 62321-1 refers to the sample as the object to be processed and measured. The nature of the sample and the manner in which it is acquired is defined by the entity carrying out the tests and not by this standard. It provides guidance on the disassembly procedure employed for obtaining a sample. This first edition of IEC 62321-1 is a partial replacement of IEC 62321, forming a structural revision and replacing Clauses 1 to 4. IEC 62321-1 has the status of a horizontal standard in accordance with IEC Guide 108.
IEC 62321-1将样品称为待处理和测量的对象。 样品的性质及其获取方式由进行测试的实体定义,而不是由本标准定义。 它提供了有关获取样品所采用的拆卸程序的指导。 IEC 62321-1 第一版是 IEC 62321 的部分替代品,形成了结构性修订并取代了第 1 至 4 条。根据 IEC Guide 108,IEC 62321-1 具有水平标准的地位。