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Resilient Floor Coverings 弹性地板层出口欧盟认证


Test Name 测试名称: Resilient Floor Coverings 弹性地板层


Test Info 测试内容:

EN 423, 弹性地板层-抗污性能的测定(常规4种化学试剂 )
Resilient floor coverings - Determination of the resistance to staining  
EN 424, 弹性地板层-家具腿模拟移动耐磨效应                                                                                            
Resilient floor coverings - Determination of the effect of simulated movement of a furniture leg 
EN425, 弹性地板层 - 椅子脚轮的影响
Resilient floor coverings - Determination of the effect of a castor chair 
EN 427, 弹性地板层=边长,地板直角度以及直线度
Resilient floor coverings - Determination of the side length, squareness and straightness of tiles 
EN 428, 弹性地板层-整体厚度的确定
Resilient floor coverings - Determination of overall thickness               
EN 429, 弹性地板层-层厚度的确定
Resilient floor coverings - Determination of the thickness of layers             
EN 430, 弹性地板层-单位面积内的质量
Resilient floor coverings - Determination of mass per unit area            
EN 431, 弹性地板层—耐剥落性能确定
Resilient floor coverings — Determination of peel strength                    
EN 432, 弹性地板层—切变应力测定
Resilient floor coverings — Determination of shear force
EN 433, 弹性地板层-静载负荷后的残留压痕
Resilient floor coverings - Determination of residual indentation after static loading 
EN 434, 弹性地板层 - 加热后尺寸稳定性及卷曲变形
Resilient floor coverings  - Determination of dimensional stability curling after exposure to heat  
EN 435, 弹性地板层 - 柔韧性测定
Resilient floor coverings - Determination of flexibility                                
EN 436, 弹性地板层 - 密度的测定(Method A)
Resilient floor coverings - Determination of density                                
EN 660-1, Wear group classification  7500转后, 被磨掉的厚度d ( mm )
d <= 0.08 T级, 0.08< d <= 0.15 P级, 0.15< d <= 0.30 M级. 0.30< d <= 0.60 F级
EN 660-2, Wear group classification 7500转后
被磨掉的体积V ( mm3 ), V <= 2 T级, 2< v <= 4 P级, 4< v <= 7.5 M级, 7.5< v <= 15 F级;
ISO 105-B02
Colour fastness to artificial light - Xenon arc fading lamp test                          
耐人造光色牢度 - 氙弧灯试验


Lead Time 测试周期: 常规 Regular 12  working days


Sample Size 送样规格: 6m2


Others 其他信息:


Sample for reference 参考图片:


Sample report 样本报告:

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