主营产品: ROHS认证、CE认证、FCC认证、CB认证、FDA认证、UL认证、CCC认证、GS认证、MIC认证、EK认证、PSE认证、E-MARK 认证等国际安全测试认证
加拿大安抚奶嘴规章认证C.R.C.,c. 930

Test or certification item 测试或认证名称: Hazardous Products (Pacifiers) Regulations (C.R.C., c. 930) 加拿大安抚奶嘴规章
Test or certification info 测试和认证相关内容: 
Physical Part (Exclude additional charge): 除额外收费项目
Additional Charge:
Sec. 5(2) Every product, including all of its parts and components, shall meet the requirements of section 25 of the Toys Regulations. (for toxic substance contained in the product only)
Sec. 5(3) No product or any part or component of the product shall contain more than 10 micrograms per kilogram total volatile N nitrosamines, as determined by dichloromethane extraction.
Toxicity 有毒元素测试 (Toys Regulations (SOR/2011-17) Section 23, total Pb&Hg, soluble Sb, As, Cd, Se, Ba) – Recommended (for surface coating only)

Norm refer 涉及法规:

Lead time 周期:  常规服务 regular service 9 工作日 working days ( URGENT service, to be confirm, 加急服务待定 )
Sample size 送样规格: 14 pieces of completed products. 全套样品14只. 

Sample report 样本报告:
Responsive image  Responsive image  Responsive image  Responsive image  Responsive image  Responsive image  Responsive image
Photo for reference 涉及图片:
Responsive image

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