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澳洲家具标准 AS/NZS 4443屏风测试

Test item 测试名称: Office panel systems – Workstations 屏风测试


Test info 测试内容

ClauseTest Requirement 
2.1Safety 安全
2.2Cable management 线管理
2.3Storage facilities 存储
2.4Dimensional requirements - seated workstations 尺寸要求
2.5Counter workstations 柜台
3.2.1Mechanical strength test for panel system products 机械强度要求
3.2.2Static load test for storage shelves 架子承重要求 
3.2.3Cabinet test 柜子测试
3.2.4Static load test for work surfaces without supported drawers 不太抽屉的桌面静载测试
3.2.5Static load test for work surfaces with supported drawers 带抽屉的桌面静载测试
3.2.6Lock test for drawers supported by work surfaces 锁测试
3.2.7Outstop test for drawers supported by work surfaces 冲击外挡块测试 
3.2.8Rebound test for drawers supported by work surfaces 反弹测试
3.2.9Dislodgment test for panel-mounted components 分离测试
3.2.10Horizontal and vertical adjustment tests 水平及垂直调节测试
4Stability requirement 稳定性测试
7Marking 标签要求
Sample required:
4 sets of completed products with assembly instruction (if applicable) is recommended.                                   
Turnaround time:
10 working days                                                                       


Photo for reference 参考图片:

Responsive image

Sample Report 报告样本:

Responsive image  Responsive image  Responsive image  Responsive image  Responsive image  Responsive image  Responsive image  Responsive image

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