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美国标准 ASTM D 3675使用辐射热能源的软质泡沫材料的表面可燃性

Test item 测试名称:
Surface Flammability of Flexible Cellular Materials Using a Radiant Heat Energy Source
 Test info 测试内容:  
Test ClauseRequirement
Conditioningcondition at least 24h at an ambient temperature of 73 ± 5°F (23  ± 3°C) and a relative humidity of 50 ± 5 %.
Sample Required:
9 pieces, 150 mm wide by 460 mm long by  25 mm thickness,对于生产的实际厚度小于25mm的试样,以实际的最大厚度测试,长度不能达到460mm的可以由若干段连接而成,但是每一段最小不能小于150mm
Turnaround time: normal (9-12 working days)
所需时间: 标准(9-12 个工作天)


Sample for reference 参考图片:

Responsive image


>Sample Report 报告样本:

Responsive imageResponsive imageResponsive imageResponsive imageResponsive imageResponsive imageResponsive imageResponsive imageResponsive imageResponsive image

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